"To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images." - Plato

critical mass

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How deep does the rabbit hole go? It would seem to me that the Gannon scandle it just the tip of the iceburg, a gigantic iceburg. I just posted a couple of video clips in the video section about the homosexual ring within the top military and govenment ranks. These pschopaths have no end to what they seem capable of. I spent most of the day reading about ritual abuse and the detention camps set up in Amerika. What a sad state of affairs. And how many ignore and are turing their backs to what is happening to us. How much longer will people be able to have their backs turned; it seems at the rate of events getting bigger and bigger every day, that at some point there will reach a critical mass and people will not be able to turn their backs on the truth as it will be right in front no matter where one turns. But for now as things do get nastier, and occur more often, it also seems we have quite an easy time forgetting.

When I began serious investigating into the truth a couple of years ago many of the things I found seemed distant and 'over there'. As time goes on and the search continues I've found things within myself and in my immediate surroundings that have been ...well... shocking. Truth, I think can only be found if one is searching in all directions. This proccess has shown me the impact of what Gurdjieff calls buffers. As humanity covers up its lies, deception and pain, so do we as individuals. Our society is a reflection of us. We are liars. We are responsible for what is happening in the world. The cruity of the world is always and more and more becoming an aparent part of my observations of this place I live in, that I am a part of. I wonder how much time is left till the massive pile of poo hits the fan.

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