"To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images." - Plato

happy thanksgiving

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I think people assume that because life has gone as it has that life will go on in the same manner. Part of the problem is that people don't see the world as it is or as it has been. Illusions of comfort rule any thought. We are pleasure seekers. Addicts. Take for instance the myth of America. Founded on Freedom and Democracy? No, this country was founded on the brutal slaughter of millions of American Indians. And in a couple of weeks we'll get together with our families and rejoice in merriment over what? Cause some nice Indians gave us some corn? And then we raped, poisoned, burned, and murdered them. Thanksgiving is a feast of vainglorious gluttony. As we can never stuff our fat mouths with enough sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce, we also can never get enough of what others have and we want. This wonderful nation is founded on blood and survives only on the continuous destruction of other and its own people. It is a viscous and endless pit of egocentric consumption.

So life will go on like this. To what extent? There is more violence and war than ever. And people think humanity is more evolved now than in the past??????????? Any knowledge that has been gained in the past few millennia is used to further implement more controls, more violence, more destruction. Modern man follows systems that do not make human beings better. Religion, science, education have done NOTHING. Only to create more ignorance.

more on this later.

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